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  • Writer's pictureJosie L. Turpin

Off to University with AIR

Updated: Mar 31, 2022

To some this might look like a jumble of stuff, but in reality this pile of bags on the bedroom floor is a tell tale sign that the youngest member of the household (if you don't count the Labrador) is off to University.

As a Mom, I might worry about the Heineken flag, the Playstation, TV and the carefully wrapped shot glasses - what on earth is he planning? I ask myself, (more partying than studying) but then again boys will be boys.

The one thing I do feel good about is that in amongst his worldly possessions he has an AIR UVC sanitiser to keep him safe.

We want him to enjoy University life, but at the same time we want to know that we are providing him with an extra layer of protection that is proven to kill 99.999% of all pathogenic microorganisms; including the ones that cause Coronavirus, SARS, MRSA and influenza.

UVC versus the rest

Unlike ULPA and HEPA air filters that are ineffective to airborne pathogens under 300nm, the AIR UVC sanitizer uses safe UVC-LED technology that is proven to kill SARS-CoV-2 in liquids, on surfaces and in the air to a 99.999% efficacy (Liquid efficacy is 99.97%) (ASTM E 3135-18 certified).

To purchase an AIR for your student click here:

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